nuvoton - UART
UART 的特性
- 4 channel 的 UART 模組
- 支援 Auto-Baud Detect
- 支援 Auto Flow Control Function
- 支援 nCTS and RX data wake-up function
- 支援 Fully programmable serial-interface
- Programmable number of data bit. 5-, 6-, 7-, 8- bit character
- Programmable parity bit. even, odd, no parity
- Programmable stop bit. 1, 1.5, 2 bits
- 支援 IrDA SIR function mode
- support 3/16 bit duration for normal mode
- 支援 LIN function mode in UART #0/#1
- support master/slave mode
- support programmable break generation for transmitter
- support break detection for receiver
- 支援 RS-485 function mode
- support 9 bit mode
- support hardware and software enables to program nRTS
UART Clock Source
- HIRC (22.1184 MHz)
- HXT (4-24MHz)
UART Block Diagram
UART baud rate work mode
UART auto baud rate detection
- 經由 UART RX pin 來偵測 baud rate
- 取得 baud rate 後, 儲存於 UART_BAUD[15:0]
- BAUDM[1:0] = 11b
- UART RX data 的 Start bit 為 1
UART auto flow control
- 僅 UART0/UART1 才支援 auto flow
- 支援由 /CTS wake-up
UART wake up
- Wake up from CTS
- CTS pin from
- LIN header selection
- Break field
- Sync field
- Identifier field
- LIN break field count setting ( 8 - 15 bits )
- 支援 LIN header and bit error detect interrupt
- RTSn 可由 hardware 控制或者 software 控制
- 支援模式
- Normal Multi-Drop Operation Mode (NMM)
- Auto Address Detection Operation Mode (AAD)
- Auto Direction Mode (AUD)
Smart Card UART mode
- 支援 smart card 的 Full duplex asynchronous communication
- TX/RX 支援 4/4 bytes entry FIFO 的資料傳輸
- UART enable, 產生一個 reset 去 reset FIFO 和晶片的 internal state machine.
Reference document :
- nuvoton NuMicro-M451-Series-Training-Material
- nuvoton TRM_M451_Series_EN_Rev2.08