nuvoton - ADC Converter

EADC converter 的特性

  • 12 bits SAR ADC
  • Operation voltage
    • AVDD : 2.5V - 5.5V
    • VREF : 2.5V - AVDD
    • VIN : 0 - VREF
  • External Input channel
    • 16 single-end analog input channels
    • 8 pairs of differential analog input channels 
  • Internal Input Channel
    • Band-gap voltage (VBG)
    • Temperature sensor (VTEMP)
    • Battery power (VBAT)
  • 19 sample modules
    • ADC channel 愈低的愈優先
    • Channel 0 - channel 15 可以設定 ADC 模組,採樣時序和觸發來源.
    • Channel 16 - band-gap voltage
    • Channel 17 - temperature sensor
    • Channel 18 - battery power (VBAT)
  • An A/D conversion 啟動條件
    • SWTRGn (EADC_SWTRG[n], n=0..18) = 1
    • External pin STADC
    • Timer [3:0] overflow pulse triggers
    • ADINT[1:0] interrupt EOC (End of conversion) pulse triggers
    • PWM triggers
  • Support PDMA transfer

EADC clock source

  • EADC clock = HCLK / (EADCDIV+1) 
    • up to 21MHz
  • EADCDIV is 8-bit prescaler

EADC Block Diagram

ADC Sample Module

ADC controller 擁有 19 個 A/D sample module, 每個 A/D sample module 包含 19 trigger source. 其中 A/D sample module [3:0] 擁有 double data register, A/D sample module [18:16] 用來偵測內部的電壓 VBG, VTEMP, VBAT.

19 trigger source
  • External pin STADC
  • Timer[3:0]
  • ADINT[1:0]
  • PWM0TG[5:0]
  • PWM1TG[5:0]

ADC Sample Timing

  • Internal sampling time < 7 ADC clocks
  • External sampling time 0-255 ADC clocks (> 5*RC)
  • Interrupt Flag Position Selection (INTPOS) when ADC sample complete.
  • ADC module 由 idle 到 sampling 需要 1 個 ADC clock, 當 ADC conversion start.

Digital Comparator (4 set)

  • 在 ADC sample module 轉換完成之後,就會啟動比較的功能.
  • 比較 ADC sample result 和程式定義的數值 CMPD(EADC_CMPn[27:16])
  • 支援值域區間比較的功能

ADC Interrupt (4 set)

  • EOC (End of conversion) - ADC sample module 轉換完成.
  • ADCMPFn - Condition match monitored by ADC digital comparactor 

Double Buffer Mode

  • DBMEN (EADC_SCTLn[23]) = 1.
  • First A/D convert finish
    • VALID (EADC_DATn[17]) = 1
    • STATUS (EADC_STATUS0[n]) = 0
  • After first A/D convert finish
    • VALID (EADC_DATn[17]) = 1
    • STATUS (EADC_STATUS0[n]) = 1

因此, 建議在 STATUS 和 VALID 都轉為 1 之後,再讀取 A/D 轉換的值.

ADC sample code

  • Enable clock for ADC module
  • CLK_EnableModuleClock(EADC_MODULE);
  • Select clock source for ADC module
  • CLK_SetModuleClock(EADC_MODULE, 0, CLK_CLKDIV0_EADC(8));
  • Initialize ADC module
  • // Set the ADC internal sampling time, input mode as single-end and  
    // enable the A/D converter 
    EADC_SetInternalSampleTime(EADC, 6);
    // Configure the sample module 0 for analog input channel 6 and 
    // software trigger source.
    EADC_ConfigSampleModule(EADC, 0, EADC_SOFTWARE_TRIGGER, 6);
  • Enable interrupt for ADC module
  • //Enable sample module 0 interrupt.
    /* Clear the A/D ADINT0 interrupt flag for safe */
    /* Enable the sample module 0 interrupt.  */
    EADC_ENABLE_INT(EADC, 0x1);//Enable sample module A/D ADINT0 interrupt.
  • 啟動 ADC module 轉換 
  • /* Trigger sample module 0 to start A/D conversion */
  • 讀取 ADC module Value
  • uint32_t adcValue; 
    adcValue = Get_ADC_Knob();
    printf("[ADC]: The ADC value is %d\n",adcValue );
範例程式 :
在 FreeRTOS 中,加入一個定時啟動的 Task.在 Task 的初始化時,同時初始化 ADC,在定時啟動的部分,啟動 ADC 轉換功能,等一段時間,再取回 ADC 的值。

範例程式位於 Github 的 nuvotoon-M451-Sample 的 FreeRTOS-EADC-Sample branch

Reference document :

  • nuvoton NuMicro-M451-Series-Training-Material
  • nuvoton TRM_M451_Series_EN_Rev2.08 



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