nuvoton - M451 Window Watchdog Timer

Window Watchdog Timer 特性

  • 6 bits 下數計數器和比較器
  • 16 selections window watchdog timer 預除器
  • Only one time to set windows watchdog timer controller after chip power-on or reset.
  • Watchdog Timer 和 Window Watchdog Timer share a single IRQ handler
  • 支援 window watchdog timer interrupt
  • 支援 window watchdog timer reset

Window Watchdog Timer Clock Source

  • HCLK0 / 2048
  • LIRC (10 KHz)
  • LXT (32.768 KHz)

Window Watchdog Timer Block Diagram

  • 11-bit prescale controlled PSCSEL (WWDT_CTL[11:8])
  • 當 CNTDAT = CMPDAT,就會產生 WWDT interrupt。而且當 CNTDAT <= CMPDAT時,設定 WWDT_RLDCNT = 0x5AA5,CNTDAT 就會重新載入 0x3F.
  • 當 CNTDAT 繼續下數到 0 時,會產生 MCU reset。 
  • 當 CNTDAT > CMPDAT,設定 WWDT_RLDCNT = 0x5AA5,就會產生 MCU 的 reset。

Window Watchdog Timer Function

  • WWDT Counting
    • WWDTEN (WWDT_CTL[0]) = 1, WWDT down counter from 0x3F to 0x00.
    • WWDT_CTL written once after chip is powered on or reset.
    • WWDTEN (WWDT_CTL[0]) enabled
      • WWDT counter can't disable
      • Counter Prescale Period (PSCSEL) can't change
      • Window Compare Value (CMPDAT) can't change 
  • WWDT Compare Math Interrupt
    • WWDTIF (WWDT_STATUS[0]) = 1, WWDT counter value (CNTDAT) equal window compare value (CMPDAT).
    • WWDTIF = 1, WWDT compare match interrupt 
  • WWDT Reset System
    • 6-bit down counter (CNTDAT) 和 6-bit compare (CMPDAT) 比較
      • CNTDAT > CMPDAT : write RLDCNT = 0x5AA5 to reset system
      • CNTDAT =0 : if not write RLDCNR = 0x5AA5, reset system
      • CNTDAT <= CMPDAT : write RLDCNT = 0x5AA5 to reload CNTDAT to 0x3F
  • WWDT Window Setting Limitation
    • WWDT_RLCNT = 0x00005AA5 to reload WWDT counter to 0x3F (need 3 clocks)
    • WWDTIF (WWDT_STATUS[0]) =1 when WWDT reset system event.
範例程式 :
在 FreeRTOS 中,加入一個 Task 來完成 Window Watchdog 中斷比較耗時的工作,平常 Task 位於 Suspend 的狀態,等 Window Watchdog 計算到 CNTDAT 和 CMPDAT 相等時,產生中斷,重新載入 CNTDAT 計時值,等到第6次中斷產生,沒有重新載入 CNTDAT 計數值,而是讓 CNTDAT 計數器計數到零,產生 Window Watchdog Timeout 中斷 reset MCU.

範例程式位於 Github 的 nuvotoon-M451-Sample 的 FreeRTOS-WWatchdog-Sample branch

Reference document :
  • nuvoton NuMicro-M451-Series-Training-Material
  • nuvoton TRM_M451_Series_EN_Rev2.08 



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