FPGA sample - 如何使用七段顯示器
在範例中,會使用一個 12 位元計數器,每一秒會加一,再把計數器的值使用七段顯示器,把它顯示出來.
- 1 second timer : 使用一個 50_000_000 的計數器, 因為輸入時脈為 50MHz, 計數到 50_000_000 就剛好 1 second.
- 12 bits counter : 每一秒將計數器加一.
- 7 segment led : 把 12 bits counter 的值, 轉成七段顯示器的控制碼.
- 7 bits counter : 用來選擇那一個七段顯示器顯示 12 bits counter 的值. 使用視覺暫留的原理,讓數值看起來是一起顯示的.
reg[31:0] T1secTimer; // value of 1 second timer //----------------------------------------------------------- // function : 1 sec timer // input : clk (clock) 50MHz // : rst_n (reset) // output : none //----------------------------------------------------------- always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if(!rst_n) T1secTimer <= 31'd0; // reset state else if(T1secTimer >= 31'd50_000_000) T1secTimer <= 31'd0; // 1 second timer timeout else T1secTimer <= T1secTimer+1'b1; wire timer_1s = (T1secTimer == 31'd50_000_000);
12 bits counter 的程式碼 :
reg[11:0] counter; //----------------------------------------------------------- // function : counter by 1 second // input : clk (clock) 50MHz // : rst_n (reset) // output : none //----------------------------------------------------------- always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if(!rst_n) counter <= 12'd0; // reset state else if(timer_1s) counter <= counter+1'b1; else ;
7 segment led decoder 的程式碼 :
reg[3:0] SegLedData; //----------------------------------------------------------- // function : display byte of counter // input : clk (clock) 50MHz // : rst_n (reset) // output : none //----------------------------------------------------------- always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if(!rst_n) SegLedData <= 4'd0; else begin case(T1secTimer[8:7]) 2'b00: // display nibble #0 of counter begin seg_cs <= 3'b100; SegLedData <= counter[3:0]; end 2'b01: // display nibble #1 of counter begin seg_cs <= 3'b010; SegLedData <= counter[7:4]; end 2'b10: // display nibble #2 of counter begin seg_cs <= 3'b001; SegLedData <= counter[11:8]; end default: ; endcase end //------------------------------------------------- // bit assign : DP.G.F.E.D.C.B.A // 0 : On / 1 : Off //------------------------------------------------- parameter SEG_NUM0 = 8'hC0, //c0, SEG_NUM1 = 8'hF9, //f9, SEG_NUM2 = 8'hA4, //a4, SEG_NUM3 = 8'hB0, //b0, SEG_NUM4 = 8'h99, //99, SEG_NUM5 = 8'h92, //92, SEG_NUM6 = 8'h82, //82, SEG_NUM7 = 8'hF8, //F8, SEG_NUM8 = 8'h80, //80, SEG_NUM9 = 8'h90, //90, SEG_NUMA = 8'h88, //88, SEG_NUMB = 8'h83, //83, SEG_NUMC = 8'hC6, //c6, SEG_NUMD = 8'hA1, //a1, SEG_NUME = 8'h86, //86, SEG_NUMF = 8'h8E; //8e; //----------------------------------------------------------- // function : display nibble of counter // input : // output : none //----------------------------------------------------------- always @(SegLedData) begin case(SegLedData) 4'h0: seg_data <= SEG_NUM0; 4'h1: seg_data <= SEG_NUM1; 4'h2: seg_data <= SEG_NUM2; 4'h3: seg_data <= SEG_NUM3; 4'h4: seg_data <= SEG_NUM4; 4'h5: seg_data <= SEG_NUM5; 4'h6: seg_data <= SEG_NUM6; 4'h7: seg_data <= SEG_NUM7; 4'h8: seg_data <= SEG_NUM8; 4'h9: seg_data <= SEG_NUM9; 4'ha: seg_data <= SEG_NUMA; 4'hb: seg_data <= SEG_NUMB; 4'hc: seg_data <= SEG_NUMC; 4'hd: seg_data <= SEG_NUMD; 4'he: seg_data <= SEG_NUME; 4'hf: seg_data <= SEG_NUMF; default: ; endcase end
範例程式位於 Github 的 FPGA-led-sample